ABOUT The Artist
Lee Drake is a visual artist and graphic designer.
He has an Associate's degree in Graphic Design and a Bachelor's Degree in 3D Art.
He started as a graffiti artist before moving his work to canvases. His work has been shown in the Speed Art Museum, Big Bone Art Show, The Big Four Arts Festival, Kentucky Center for the Arts, Sumshee's Cafe, and St. James Art Fair in Louisville, Ky. He has also participated in the FAVO Artist Free-For-All Art Show and Visual Fringe Art Show in Orlando, Florida.
Drake has been a freelance graphic designer since 2008, doing design work for many haunted attractions, professional wrestlers, UWA, OVW, and Impact Wrestling, as well as various podcasts, YouTube channels, and Twitch channels. His graphic design work has been shown on Prowrestlingtees.com, Brainbustertees.com, AmericanHorrorplex.com, TheScareFactor.com, The Pyxie Dusted Youtube Channel, and the R1665 Newgrounds Channel.
Lee Drake is also the creator of the Morty Comic Strip. The strips have been printed in Tobacco Magazine and Thrasher Magazine. They can be read here on CrowjanDesigns.com and Globalcomix.com
Still working as a professional Artist, he also works as an Associate Course Director for the Fine Arts Department of Full Sail University. He currently lives in Bronson, Fl., along with his wife, youngest child, and furry ball of eldritch energy that some people refer to as a dog.
The Free Redemptionist Preview Comic is Available!
The full Christmas preview of The Redemptionist is now available for download on the Comics page.

March 3rd
I'll be trying to get displayed on the FAVO Free-For-All Art Show. I'm all about the nature of this show. I could make it... or not! It's first come, first served type of submission system. Also, my first time there. So, here's hoping! Either way, come out and see some really great art up for display!
May 16th-29th 2023
I'll be taking part in the Visual Fringe Art Show, part of the Orlando International Fringe Theater Festival. "A Happy Accident" and "Facing Adversity" will be on display as well as many other works created by local artists for sale. Visual Fringe is an uninjured and uncensored art show and every piece that you see will be for sale, with 100% of proceeds going to the artists.
for more info, go to their website: https://orlandofringe.org/visualfringe/
New Prints Available!
New Prints available of "Headshot 2", "Facing Adversity 1.5", and "Cthulhu Skull 2" in the print shop! Swing by and check out some of the work!